“Isn’t there a time when enough is enough?”
Maxwell Sardon looked up from where he sat on the palace floor. He stopped brushing his shoulder length hair and turned to his youngest sibling. “Why do you ask this? What has you bothered this time?”
Roberto’s bare feet slapped against the cool golden tiles lining their shared bedroom floor. Each step echoed as he paced, bouncing off the high ceiling and walls. Two rows of large windows occupied one end of the room. Roberto’s blurred reflection barely focused on one before he passed by another.
“Little brother, stop and talk to me.” Maxwell stood, tossing his brush atop his dresser. Cinching his robe tighter, he moved with panther like grace to the bed. He sat, catching Roberto’s arm on his next pass. “Sit and speak. Your agitation is clear. Pacing like a caged cat never quells anything.”
Roberto faced him, his agitation clearly visible. He folded his arms tight against his chest and stared. Not at Maxwell, but beyond him as though his thoughts consumed him. Whatever bothered him, it wasn’t simple.
“Yes, King Nevin’s daughter.” Roberto faced his brother. “Father’s decree allowing us to find our second wives ourselves runs out in two days.”
“I’m not worried. All available females from the lesser regions will be at the matrimonial masque tonight. Our first wives will indicate who they prefer as we cull our choices too. Besides,
“Andice will choose someone submissive. How you continue to stand her is beyond me?” There he’d spoken one thing bothering him.
Would Maxwell pick up on the importance of their second wives? What things were possible if a love match resulted? More kittens at each birth rather than smaller litters and fewer multiple births? Their lineage maybe cursed, but neither of them needed to strengthen it by making miserable pair bondings. Second mates could help bridge the gap between first mates though both same sexes often ganged up on the lone sex or shut the solitary one out.
“I tolerate her like this.” Maxwell stood, dropping his robe. Working his hands up and down his cock, he massaged pre-cum across the tip and over the head. He reached down to fondle his balls. “Lilly come and service your Lord.”
A small blond haired woman moved from the corner where she’d been standing. Her bowed head caused her waist length hair to hide her face. Slumped shoulders added to her subdued demeanor. Yet, there was something familiar about her gait and stature that puzzled Roberto.