Picture it, Tuesday morning, one darling diva, two cute little dachshund pups, five shapeshifting cats and I piled into the authormobile for a field trip. Not that it was anything major, but due to a scheduled electric outage in my area, I was forced to find a warm abode for a few hours. Being the good author mommy I am, I couldn't bear to leave anyone at home so off we all went, over to grandma's house. Well everyone that is accept darling diva-she had school.
What to do, what to do...
We could watch TV. They have all the good channels this author is too broke for, but being that I never watch TV during the day and that there were no interesting shows on the history channel or the like, we decided to skip that.
The backyard was an option, but it didn't take too terribly long to shake the bushes free of rabbits and honestly it was too cold for me!
The Internet? Yep, did that as well, but it didn't take too long for the snarls and whines of I'm bored to start. Yes, even full grown shapeshifters can act like two-year olds.
So what did we do...well we wii'ed, wiid, wii'd? Okay, is that a word and if so, how do you, well you know, spell it? Since I don't know the ruling here I will say, we played the Wii!!
Oh my, Grandma knows her family alright, cause she's got Band Hero! Woot!
*Marina cracked it out of the park on Janet Jackson's
Black Cat, gee I wonder why...
*Bastian reciprocated with
Honky Tonk Blues by the Stones, Marina was less than thrilled, but Bastian took her elsewhere and convinced her it was a compliment. LOL
*Trent teased LeAnn with a sexy little rendition of
Whip It by Devo
*and Rick serenaded her with
If You Could Only See by Tonic.
What did LeAnn sing?
Wannabe by the Spice Girls. She is kinda silly sometimes.
As for the author girl, did she sing? I can not tell a lie, yep I did. I belted out a song from my past...
"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand, from mountains in the north down to the Rio Grande!" Simon, my young love, you still got it!! ;)
~~~~Exciting News... Today, the lovely Savanna Kougar and I will be taking part in a Holiday Hottie Blog Tour with fellow Liquid Silver Books authors and others. Stop by and say hi. Several of the authors will be taking part in a chat throughout the day...join us. Plus, if you leave a post on every blog, you will be eligible for prize's. What more can you ask for! :)
Below is the list of participating authors. Start with Trina and make your way to Gem. I hope to see you there!
Trina M. Lee http://trinamlee.com/blog/ Chatting
Serena Shay http://serenashay.blogspot.com/ Chatting
Jolie Cain http://joliecainauthor.blogspot.com/
Tina Holland http://tinaholland.wordpress.com/ Chatting
Stephanie Adkins http://stephanieadkins.wordpress.com/blog/
Emily and Elise http://www.scorchedsheets.com/blog
Juniper Bell http://authorJuniperBell.blogspot.com
K.Z. Snow http://kzsnow.blogspot.com.
Ella Drake http://elladrake.blogspot.com/ Chatting
Jeanne St. James http://www.jeannestjames.blogspot.com/ Chatting
Annie Nicholas www.annienicholas.blogspot.com
P.G. Forte http://www.rhymeswithforeplay.blogspot.com/ Chatting
Shara Lanel http://sharalanel.wordpress.com/ Chatting
Olivia Brynn http://oliviabrynn.com/blog Chatting
Dhympna du Maurier http://culinarycarnivale.blogspot.com/
Morgan Q. O'Reilly http://themorgandiaries.blogspot.com/
Sara Brookes http://www.sarabrookes.net Chatting
Christa Paige http://www.christapaige.com/blog/ Chatting
Vivian Arend http://vivianarend.com/blog/ Chatting
Cat Kane http://catkane.blogspot.com/Maybe Chatting
Dee Carney http://www.deecarney.com/blog/
Jambrea Jo Jones http://jambrea.wordpress.com/ Chatting
Gem Sivad http://gemsivad.wordpress.com/blog/ Chattin