I’ve never really received a writing related gift, so I thought, what’s cool that’s writing related that I’d like to receive? So I called up my trusty friend Google and said, “Goog, what are some good writer’s gifts?”
Most writers are voracious readers so like me, they’ve got tons of books. This handy Conceal Bookshelf can help you sort as well as neaten up your desktop.
Typewriter key jewelry
Who doesn’t like jewelry? As bracelets these are really popular in my local chapter. This link is to an artist’s store in Etsy. If you’re not familiar with Etsy, check it out. Tons of local artisans sell their creations.
Note & Quote bookmark journal
This handy idea lets you jot down notes and bookmark your pages with them, if you’re reading a book you can’t write on.
Book Lover Wine Charms
You have to use wine charms in my house. It’s no fun to play “match the lipstick color to the guest” to find the owner of a wine glass. I’ve made some over the years out of wire and beads, but these are too fun not to include on this list.
Cafepress is a little more expensive, but you can find just about anything writing related and get it printed on a plethora of items. And if you don’t find what you’re looking for, create it yourself.
Another artisan site, though lesser known, is Zazzle where you can search for writer’s gifts as well.
And of course don’t forget those most basic and essential needs, coffee and tea! A gift card from Starbucks or Pete’s Coffee will keep you remembered long after the 25th.
I'm the weird one. I don't like either coffee or tea, and I rarely wear jewelry. Love the shelves, though.
Most authors like something sweet. Though I can't have sugar, my husband will sometimes get me things like Atkins' Endulge Coconut Chocolate bars. DELIGHTFUL, even for someone who can't have sugar. What is it about writing and chocolate?
If you know the author well, try to figure out what supplies he/she likes...what type of pen is preferred over others, what kind of paper, what kind of printer ink... Other everyday gifts would be things like printer paper, USB flash drives, USB gear to use with the laptop, screen cleaners, and little beanie animals that sit on the edge of the screen.
Become a "writer watcher." Listen closely for mentions of what sort of software the author really wants. If he/she has back or shoulder problems (quite common), give something like a heating pad, lumbar support, or a massage gift certificate.
One of the best frivolous gifts my husband ever gave me was a brass nameplate for the front door that said: "Brenna Lyons, Author."
Neat ideas, Crystal! I love the bookshelf. I find one of the best writerly gifts my family can do for me is a giftcard to bookstore. With so many authors on my to be read list those happy little squares are always appreciated. :) Plus, then I have an excuse to get the bookshelves! hehe
Already those are some great ideas. I'm a gadget geek myself so I'm right there with you, Brenna. And I didn't even think of bookstore gift cards, Serena. Duh!
Crystal, wow, am I missing the shopping cart. I didn't even know most of those sites existed, except Cafe Press.
All of those are great ideas.
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