How many yuk-yuk-yowling pranks could you pull off simply laying in wait at a popular Haunted House? Leaping out at just the right time, hissing and spitting, your eyes like sinister headlights, your back arched, your tail like a stiff black brush... meow and run... yep, escaping before the responsible adults can capture you and turn you over to Animal Control, while all the youngsters are screaming in fear and delight.
Or, how about strolling nonchalantly in front trick or treaters, giving them that special thrill of bad luck on the way?
And, think, if you have an enemy... black cat scare tactics could be quite effective in dissuading them.
For my heroine in BLACK CAT BEAUTY, Halloween is obviously Sable’s favorite time of year... well sultry maa-oows... there is summer snoozing and sunning... there’s winter romping in fresh snow as her black panther self. Spring is a time of running free and far, letting her feline spirit fly.
Still, Halloween has its special spooky charms for Sable since humans in California are so invested in their strange enjoyment of the time when the veils open to other dimensional worlds.
Ah-purrs... Sable would like to know ~ If you shifted into a black cat during Halloween what tricks and treats would you like to pull off?

Blurb: A private Halloween party in a gothic mansion hidden in the Hollywood Hills. Add one party crasher, Sable Kiki, a naughty black cat with a sexy wild human side.
Her covert assignment from her devious, always-cunning father: use her seductive wiles to find out the truth from Devon Zant, a movie star on the rise to super stardom.
Posing as the superhero actor, Devon Zant, D’Torr has arrived on Earth seeking revenge for the capture of his younger brother, and to assist in stopping a powerful enemy.
The leviathan warfleet of the Altirrux wants rule of all intergalactic trade routes to Earth, endangering the survival of D’Torr’s race, and all the inhabitants of the rare blue jewel, Earth.
Excerpt ~ Sable Kiki and Devon Zant meet ~
Sable flipped her ear forward, noticing Devon Zant had halted high on the stairway, his attention clearly on the “accident” commotion. Although concealed by shadow, the bold strength of his physique could easily be seen. His dark shirt and pants skimmed his superbly muscled body as if the materials had been poured over him.
“Every inch the superhero,” Sable whispered, wondering how he would look flying on screen as the son of Super Ace. She hadn’t bothered with the movie trailer or the website. Especially since she’d only learned about the assignment late yesterday afternoon. A catnap in the sun had seemed much more enjoyable.
“Of course, I haven’t viewed those meaty ‘inches’ yet. So who knows if his cock is supercharged and heroic in action?” Sauntering unimpeded to the stairs, Sable briefly scanned her surroundings. Evidently Mr. Rising Superstar didn’t require beefy cow muscle to protect him ... just PETA to protect him from wandering pussycats. Maybe I should offer him personal protection from all pussies ... if he’s worthy.
Once she placed her foot, encased in the supple black leather of her sleek shoe, on the first step, his gaze fastened on her. Slowly she smiled at him. She lingered her Mae West smile on him as she provocatively swayed up the stairs.
Riveted, almost standing at attention, he trained his gaze on her.
Sable drew in his scent, careful not to overwhelm herself--easily done in this topsider culture. Ignoring the expensive men’s cologne he’d used, she inhaled his virility, raw and rivers-of-lava volcanic. Give me some more of him--yum.
Sliding her hand along the polished wood banister, she gradually mounted the stairway. As his gaze smoldered over her, Sable swayed even more teasingly. Her breasts rounded, becoming heavier, her nipples peaked into tight buds, and she knew they were outlined by the black gleaming stretch fabric of her costume. For a human male, his allure was far more ferocious than she’d ever experienced.
Smiling seductively, she tipped her face upwards, keeping her gaze beneath his as she approached, and halted one step away from him. Instead of blatantly perusing his masculine assets--yet--she studied his classically carved features through her half-lidded gaze. The god Hermes and the half-god Hercules, blended as one--and definitely more handsome than either--that was Devon Zant’s face.
From on high, his gaze scorched over her. Glints of lightning sparked in the depths of his eyes, and she was surprised to see how blue his eyes truly were--not sky blue. Not Paul Newman blue. No, they were deep iris blue, and so brilliantly luminous that for a moment she thought she observed an aurora of color slide over them.
No wonder a movie camera, even in the age of digital, couldn’t completely capture the actual color of his eyes. Nor could any camera do full justice to his hair. His auburn mane just brushed his shoulders and was nearly black, with fine streaks of burnt gold and bronze. She could analyze by the smell he hadn’t dyed the color. It was all natural, and obviously, a hairdresser’s dream.
Flirtatiously Sable smiled widely, then flashed her gaze over him admiringly.
“Sable,” she softly rumbled her name for him.
Excitement skittered along her skin like electrical currents as she waited and wondered if the sound of his smoky strong voice would be beyond the capacity of digital mikes.
“Your hair?” His gaze broke away from hers, moving pointedly to her own auburn tresses, which were not quite as dark as his and flamed with reddish tints.
“Not colored and like my name.” She enticed her voice over him, then languidly moved her hips back and forth so the thick waves of her hair rippled over her back and bottom. The Cat Goddess, Bastet! His voice was smoky and sinfully rich--yet pure as a clear mountain stream. If she had willed it, Sable could have orgasmed over his voice. Right there on the steps. In full view of him.
Excerpt - encounter with a witch ~
Warning ~ x-rated language
...the woman suddenly appeared, stepping in front of her.
Halting instead of gliding around the woman, Sable ran her gaze up from the stiletto black heels she wore, to the woman’s gaunt face, decorated like an Egyptian cat statue. Unblinking eyes that reminded her of dirty pool water analyzed her face.
“What black arts’ technique did you use?” The woman’s tone spiraled around her, cast from a cauldron spell.
“And why would I share anything with you?” Sable didn’t bother disguising her utter disregard. When she moved to walk away, the woman stepped in front of her again.
“He’s mine.” The sinister woman’s voice coiled like a serpent in Sable’s belly.
Placing her fist on one hip, she faced the woman fully. “Is that so?” Sable seized the attacking energy, then twined it around the woman’s throat.
Sinister woman blanched for a moment, her eyes dilating mummy-style before she dispelled the energy, and scowled ruthlessly at Sable.
“I knew it.” She growled, her voice like an inner-world gargoyle.
“Knew what?” Sable envisioned batting her head around like a play toy, but didn’t throw the energy at her.
Narrowing her eyes, then pointing a bony finger with a dagger nail that could slice open many a sardine can, sinister woman intoned, “I’m not done, if you’re smart you’ll get out of my way. Everyone gets out of my way...eventually.”
Sable idly slid her gaze over the woman’s scarecrow features, her enraged glints for eyes. “If Devon was interested in fucking a woman with a body designed by Skeletor, I would be more than thrilled to send you in his direction.” Casually, she regarded her own nails, popping out one claw. “As it is, I would advise you to express your sorcery talents elsewhere.”
“Everyone in Hollywood bows before me. I’ve ruined countless careers, and decreed countless others into existence. You’re no match for my sorcery talents, you fat ugly toad.” A sparking black cloud emanated from the center of sinister woman’s forehead.
Creating a gale-force wind in her third eye, Sable blew it, dissipating the nasty soupy stuff before it could cause a second’s harm. “Since I have no wish for a career in Hollywood, your dire threat is just so much jibber jabber to my ears.” Sable remembered not to flick her ear. Or her tail in haughty satisfaction.
“Do you think your amateurish use of magick can stop me from getting what I want? I can enslave you to my will as easily as crooking my little finger.” Demonstrating, sinister woman thrust her Grim Reaper hand in front of Sable’s eyes.
“A big ole’ oops, witchie poo, but you’re too late.” Sable languidly tossed her waves of hair. “I’ve already been enslaved. Any advise for removing this collar?”
For an instant, mean ole’ witchie poo gleamed her gaze directly on the collar, then stared at the matching bracelet.
“Want to give it a magickal try?” Sable held up her wrist twisting it in front of the woman’s eyes. To further taunt sinister woman, she glittered the bracelet in the spooky illumination of the neon disco lights. “Maybe a tiny bolt of lightning. Want to try?”
Silent long enough for Sable to hear the lyrics ‘love to love you, baby’ of the sensual disco chant behind her, witchie poo finally looked up from the bracelet. “You’ll regret angering me, you cunt stupid bitch,” she snarled, her eyes gleaming greenish streaks of demonic hatred.
Sable smiled widely, her most I’m-going-to-make-you-prey grin. “Spells at dawn? Since I’m the challenger you can choose your favorite weapon from your black arts’ bag of tricks.”
Snort... snort! The Bull is on Halloween hiatus... unless, he suddenly shows up as a bull-man, ‘supposedly’ costumed and ready for a wild-whooping Halloween party at the local bar. Hmmm...
Shapeshifter lovers, check out CAT NIP. It’s a free read by erotic romance author, Gem Sivad ~ http://gemsivad.wordpress.com ~ also, for the ongoing story, subscribe at ~ http://textnovel.com ~
Plus, take a peek at COYOTE MOON by Pat Cunningham at ~ http://bookstrand.com/product-coyotemoon-14959-330.html ~ Pat’s book has received several top reviews.
Savanna Kougar
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
Red Lioness Tamed
When a Good Angel Falls
Tangerine Carnal Dreams
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
Black Cat Beauty
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
Stallion of Ash and Flame

Blurb: A private Halloween party in a gothic mansion hidden in the Hollywood Hills. Add one party crasher, Sable Kiki, a naughty black cat with a sexy wild human side.
Her covert assignment from her devious, always-cunning father: use her seductive wiles to find out the truth from Devon Zant, a movie star on the rise to super stardom.
Posing as the superhero actor, Devon Zant, D’Torr has arrived on Earth seeking revenge for the capture of his younger brother, and to assist in stopping a powerful enemy.
The leviathan warfleet of the Altirrux wants rule of all intergalactic trade routes to Earth, endangering the survival of D’Torr’s race, and all the inhabitants of the rare blue jewel, Earth.
Excerpt ~ Sable Kiki and Devon Zant meet ~
Sable flipped her ear forward, noticing Devon Zant had halted high on the stairway, his attention clearly on the “accident” commotion. Although concealed by shadow, the bold strength of his physique could easily be seen. His dark shirt and pants skimmed his superbly muscled body as if the materials had been poured over him.
“Every inch the superhero,” Sable whispered, wondering how he would look flying on screen as the son of Super Ace. She hadn’t bothered with the movie trailer or the website. Especially since she’d only learned about the assignment late yesterday afternoon. A catnap in the sun had seemed much more enjoyable.
“Of course, I haven’t viewed those meaty ‘inches’ yet. So who knows if his cock is supercharged and heroic in action?” Sauntering unimpeded to the stairs, Sable briefly scanned her surroundings. Evidently Mr. Rising Superstar didn’t require beefy cow muscle to protect him ... just PETA to protect him from wandering pussycats. Maybe I should offer him personal protection from all pussies ... if he’s worthy.
Once she placed her foot, encased in the supple black leather of her sleek shoe, on the first step, his gaze fastened on her. Slowly she smiled at him. She lingered her Mae West smile on him as she provocatively swayed up the stairs.
Riveted, almost standing at attention, he trained his gaze on her.
Sable drew in his scent, careful not to overwhelm herself--easily done in this topsider culture. Ignoring the expensive men’s cologne he’d used, she inhaled his virility, raw and rivers-of-lava volcanic. Give me some more of him--yum.
Sliding her hand along the polished wood banister, she gradually mounted the stairway. As his gaze smoldered over her, Sable swayed even more teasingly. Her breasts rounded, becoming heavier, her nipples peaked into tight buds, and she knew they were outlined by the black gleaming stretch fabric of her costume. For a human male, his allure was far more ferocious than she’d ever experienced.
Smiling seductively, she tipped her face upwards, keeping her gaze beneath his as she approached, and halted one step away from him. Instead of blatantly perusing his masculine assets--yet--she studied his classically carved features through her half-lidded gaze. The god Hermes and the half-god Hercules, blended as one--and definitely more handsome than either--that was Devon Zant’s face.
From on high, his gaze scorched over her. Glints of lightning sparked in the depths of his eyes, and she was surprised to see how blue his eyes truly were--not sky blue. Not Paul Newman blue. No, they were deep iris blue, and so brilliantly luminous that for a moment she thought she observed an aurora of color slide over them.
No wonder a movie camera, even in the age of digital, couldn’t completely capture the actual color of his eyes. Nor could any camera do full justice to his hair. His auburn mane just brushed his shoulders and was nearly black, with fine streaks of burnt gold and bronze. She could analyze by the smell he hadn’t dyed the color. It was all natural, and obviously, a hairdresser’s dream.
Flirtatiously Sable smiled widely, then flashed her gaze over him admiringly.
“Sable,” she softly rumbled her name for him.
Excitement skittered along her skin like electrical currents as she waited and wondered if the sound of his smoky strong voice would be beyond the capacity of digital mikes.
“Your hair?” His gaze broke away from hers, moving pointedly to her own auburn tresses, which were not quite as dark as his and flamed with reddish tints.
“Not colored and like my name.” She enticed her voice over him, then languidly moved her hips back and forth so the thick waves of her hair rippled over her back and bottom. The Cat Goddess, Bastet! His voice was smoky and sinfully rich--yet pure as a clear mountain stream. If she had willed it, Sable could have orgasmed over his voice. Right there on the steps. In full view of him.
Excerpt - encounter with a witch ~
Warning ~ x-rated language
...the woman suddenly appeared, stepping in front of her.
Halting instead of gliding around the woman, Sable ran her gaze up from the stiletto black heels she wore, to the woman’s gaunt face, decorated like an Egyptian cat statue. Unblinking eyes that reminded her of dirty pool water analyzed her face.
“What black arts’ technique did you use?” The woman’s tone spiraled around her, cast from a cauldron spell.
“And why would I share anything with you?” Sable didn’t bother disguising her utter disregard. When she moved to walk away, the woman stepped in front of her again.
“He’s mine.” The sinister woman’s voice coiled like a serpent in Sable’s belly.
Placing her fist on one hip, she faced the woman fully. “Is that so?” Sable seized the attacking energy, then twined it around the woman’s throat.
Sinister woman blanched for a moment, her eyes dilating mummy-style before she dispelled the energy, and scowled ruthlessly at Sable.
“I knew it.” She growled, her voice like an inner-world gargoyle.
“Knew what?” Sable envisioned batting her head around like a play toy, but didn’t throw the energy at her.
Narrowing her eyes, then pointing a bony finger with a dagger nail that could slice open many a sardine can, sinister woman intoned, “I’m not done, if you’re smart you’ll get out of my way. Everyone gets out of my way...eventually.”
Sable idly slid her gaze over the woman’s scarecrow features, her enraged glints for eyes. “If Devon was interested in fucking a woman with a body designed by Skeletor, I would be more than thrilled to send you in his direction.” Casually, she regarded her own nails, popping out one claw. “As it is, I would advise you to express your sorcery talents elsewhere.”
“Everyone in Hollywood bows before me. I’ve ruined countless careers, and decreed countless others into existence. You’re no match for my sorcery talents, you fat ugly toad.” A sparking black cloud emanated from the center of sinister woman’s forehead.
Creating a gale-force wind in her third eye, Sable blew it, dissipating the nasty soupy stuff before it could cause a second’s harm. “Since I have no wish for a career in Hollywood, your dire threat is just so much jibber jabber to my ears.” Sable remembered not to flick her ear. Or her tail in haughty satisfaction.
“Do you think your amateurish use of magick can stop me from getting what I want? I can enslave you to my will as easily as crooking my little finger.” Demonstrating, sinister woman thrust her Grim Reaper hand in front of Sable’s eyes.
“A big ole’ oops, witchie poo, but you’re too late.” Sable languidly tossed her waves of hair. “I’ve already been enslaved. Any advise for removing this collar?”
For an instant, mean ole’ witchie poo gleamed her gaze directly on the collar, then stared at the matching bracelet.
“Want to give it a magickal try?” Sable held up her wrist twisting it in front of the woman’s eyes. To further taunt sinister woman, she glittered the bracelet in the spooky illumination of the neon disco lights. “Maybe a tiny bolt of lightning. Want to try?”
Silent long enough for Sable to hear the lyrics ‘love to love you, baby’ of the sensual disco chant behind her, witchie poo finally looked up from the bracelet. “You’ll regret angering me, you cunt stupid bitch,” she snarled, her eyes gleaming greenish streaks of demonic hatred.
Sable smiled widely, her most I’m-going-to-make-you-prey grin. “Spells at dawn? Since I’m the challenger you can choose your favorite weapon from your black arts’ bag of tricks.”
Snort... snort! The Bull is on Halloween hiatus... unless, he suddenly shows up as a bull-man, ‘supposedly’ costumed and ready for a wild-whooping Halloween party at the local bar. Hmmm...
Shapeshifter lovers, check out CAT NIP. It’s a free read by erotic romance author, Gem Sivad ~ http://gemsivad.wordpress.com ~ also, for the ongoing story, subscribe at ~ http://textnovel.com ~
Plus, take a peek at COYOTE MOON by Pat Cunningham at ~ http://bookstrand.com/product-coyotemoon-14959-330.html ~ Pat’s book has received several top reviews.
Savanna Kougar
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Author of ~
All Shades of Blue Paradise
Red Lioness Tamed
When a Good Angel Falls
Tangerine Carnal Dreams
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis
Black Cat Beauty
Her Insatiable Dark Heroes
Stallion of Ash and Flame
Aah Savanna, Devon's eyes make me want to slide right into them and revel in the warm, happy blue!
Now, if I could shift into a black cat, I'd walk tall thin fences until I found my sexy warlock to spend a Happy Halloween with!! ;)
How many pranks? Why, as many as I could get away with! LOL! Oh to be blessed with the ability to shape shift at Halloween. I don't think I'm asking for much;-)
Serena, now that is a good sexy ambition for Halloween. Sable would be proud of you.
Paris, now that's naughty Halloween spirit. I'm with you. I don't think it's asking too much, either... but I daydream on...
Your Black Cat Beauty is HOT HOT HOT!!
Crystal, thanks!
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