Thank you! Stephanie Kelsey, cover artist for Mojo Castle. Showering you with ‘good fairy’ kisses.
Yes...yes...yes! I love the Cover Art Goddess! She has been so very good to me. And, I live in hope, she will continue.
And, talk about getting in the Halloween-spooky-gothic mood.
I did it. I got my short story written, Weightless Inside His Wings, and will submit it to Jane of Dear Author, who is editing the Berkley anthology. Yeah, yeah... *no hope* here of being accepted. It was the challenge that hooked me in. However, Weightless will find a good home. And, of course, I am very fond of my heroine and hero, and their story.
Here’s a Blurb-Summary:
Striker of the Kalluv Windworld is a warrioress for her people. An adept at protecting herself from every known method of mind control, her missions take her across the galaxy to search out and stop those who enslave other races. Her last memory is hunkering down during a sandstorm. Now she finds herself floating inside an anti-grav sphere.
Dhray Zorr of the Vjemic Realm is a warrior on his planet-world. His kind, a hawk-panther shapeshifter, has been genetically designed to battle for freedom, then to hold it against would-be tyrants. However, there are few suitable mates on his world, and the population is declining rapidly. Now, he must face one more duty. He is called upon to take an alien woman as his mate.
Next up, I *might* write another short story for the All Romance ebooks contest. That is, if I can figure out the heroine and hero’s names.
Then, I’ve been chomping at the writerly bit to get back to Kandy Apple and her Hellhounds. What a majickal Samhain time to finish their story since it takes place around and on Halloween.
Here’s an excerpt from Chapter Four ~
Now, though, she had a whole new problem, other than keeping herself safe from the roaming security teams. The Alien Tuxedo Twins had been able to see her, despite her invisibility shield.
True, they didn’t seem overly eager to make her aware they knew about her witchy ability. Still, who the hell were they? What were they?
And, did she need to be afraid of them? To that end, Kandace sauntered ever closer.
“Might as well face the bad guys, if they are, and get it over with.” She whispered the words against the rim of her glass. Taking a sip, Kandace decided against an exploratory thought-form.
If they could see past her magic, they could probably stop her psi search of their minds, and would know she was onto their paranormal abilities.
Kandace strolled before some artist’s attempt to fuse Picasso’s style with the voluptuous fantasy art of Boris Vallejo. Blinking several times, she stared at the horror of high strangeness.
The twin wearing the evening suit sidled next to her as if he examined the painting.
“Definitely not my cup of artistic tea,” she commented. “What do you think?”
“I think I’d rather get to know a spooky little girl like you.”
Kandace jumped inside, startled by his bold come on. “Spooky. Isn’t that a song lyric?”
From the corner of her eye, she watched the other twin join them. Uh oh, she’d just become the filling for a man sandwich. At least, they appeared to be men, given those high-rise bulges they both sported.
For her?
Certainly, they smelled like real men. Despite the expensive cologne that clung subtly to both of them, their virility slammed into her nostrils and reminded her a bit of her Uncle’s Rottweiler dogs.
The Kougar’s news and mews ~
So, with the Halloween season breathing down my neck like a turned-on vampire, I am going to be ‘treating’ BLACK CAT BEAUTY to a promo fest, along with the ‘above’ anthology. Me, and a whole lot of romance readers enjoy all the spooktacular celebrations taking place at blogs and chat loops.
Sable Kiki, my heroine in Black Cat Beauty, is being interviewed at Got Romance Reviews ~ gotromancereviews.blogspot.com ~ I don’t have a date yet. But, my Sable had a r-e-a-l good time maow-chatting.
Okay, here’s a promo I saw for a shapeshifter book that struck my amusement bone. [This is in no way a put-down of the book or the author. The author, if she wishes, is more than welcome to guest blog with us, and share more about her book.]
PROMO: Returning home, will Maggie have more than her wounds licked
Can Quinn and Lucas convince Maggie she’s meant to be their mate?
Maggie’s Mates by Bronwyn Green
Having recently ended a bad relationship, Maggie Ryan returns to her hometown in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to discover things aren’t quite the way she remembers. Her childhood friends, Quinn and Lucas Makwa, are all grown up and keeping secrets. The shape-shifters want Maggie for their mate, but she’s not sure she wants to trust another man—let alone two that can shift into black bears at will.
Available at Resplendence Publishing ~ resplendencepublishing.com ~
So, what’s new and the news in your shapeshifter world?
Savanna Kougar
~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Mmm, that guy on the cover is nummy! Alien Tuxedo Twins! I love it!
Rebecca, he is nummy! Even better, he looks like my hero in human form. And I didn't provide those details.
Mmm hmmm, nice cover! You were blessed by the cover goddess, indeed! I love how the angel is kneeling over the statue base...you just know there's some naughtiness to ensue... ;)
Congrats on finishing Weightless...fingers crossed that it makes the cut!!
What do you mean, no hope? There's always hope! It's only hopeless if you don't send the story anywhere to begin with. I've been in paperback anthologies twice with fantasy stories, so yes, it can be done.
Wanna see the Tuxedo Twins on the cover. I'm liking them more and more, and they're not even coyotes.
Werebears, eh? Maybe Gil would like to chuck acorns at them.
Serena, thanks about Weightless. I did get it e-sent, so it's a waiting game now.
I know. That angel, New Orleans-like element is so evocative. I just think the whole cover comes together in a Halloween exciting way.
Pat, yeah, you're right. There is always a shred of hope. Congrats on your paperback antho stories. Maybe, you should talk about them in blogs.
However, the odds are so stacked against me, including I've loudly voiced my opinion against a couple of things Dear Author has done that emotionally it's better if I go with 'no hope'.
Yep, the werebears. I tell ya those bear shifters are bound and determined to have their stories told. And, they're all for 'licking wounds' ~ wink, wink~
I dunno. Gil better be in a real tall tree, or if they shift to human, out of gun range, if he's going to chuck acorns at them... lol...
Gorgeous cover! Stephanie is one heck of a business woman. She knows her stuff.
I think tonight is the deadline for the All Romance EEbook contest. I got my entry in. If anyone else entered, good luck! Fingers and toes crossed in between writing.
Solara, oops, I thought the deadline was October 1. Oh, well. GOOD LUCK!
I am so looking forward to working with Mojo Castle.
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