Hi and welcome to your Wednesday fix of ShapeShifter Seductions! I am almost a-twitter today. I made my very own avatar for one of my minor characters. The fine male specimen pictured is Damien, an Earth spirit. You'll meet him in "Equal Partners," the next installment of my Wild Lords series. It's tentatively scheduled for release next month, though I don't have a specific release date yet. Please pardon the impromptu bathing suit. I'm too cheap to buy a pre-made garment from one of the 3D stores and the undies that come with the free models are UGLY. Damien does not have a major part in the series so I figured the least I could do was make him a kick-ass avatar, barring figuring how to work him into another story, of course.
And now onto the news!
A hit-and-run by a city bus in Illinois killed a snowman. There was no logical explanation for how the snowman ended up in the middle of the road at night without proper supervision. No charges are in the works for the snowman’s maker, but the bus driver, who was filmed swerving specifically to hit the golum, did end up resigning after her employer found out. Yes, I called the snowman a golum, for what else would one call a being made of natural elements. You certainly can’t call him a person and “it” sounds too disrespectful a thing to call the victim of a hit-an-run incident.
All puns aside, I decided to add this story to my blog mainly to get the word out: while this was funny-and it was- it was also potentially very dangerous. Putting a large obstacle in the middle of a snow packed road falls squarely under the heading of “things even a ten-year-old should know better than to do.” Should the bus driver have lost her job over this? Sure. She swerved recklessly on a dark, icy road specifically to hit an obstruction. Just because it was a snowman and not a box or something doesn’t make the act any less dangerous. What if there had been a person behind it? What if parts of the snowman had gone flying into the path of an on-coming car or slammed into someone’s livingroom window? Not so funny now, is it?
Now, on to some fun, harmless Christmas news. Santa’s elves came together last week to support suicide prevention! The largest gathering of elves in the world assembled in Bridgend, Wales. Over eight-hundred showed up, breaking the previous record which had been set in New York, NY. This assembly was reported by some sources to be especially notable because nobody died. Bridgend is apparently best known for it’s extremely high suicide rates this time of year. The elves may have been seeking publicity rather than trying to help society, but that’s what they did, so I’m running with it.
To round off this week’s blog, a skunk snuck in the toy barn in Oklahoma while the elves were away at their gathering and sprayed $16,000 worth of gifts intended for needy children. There is no freaking way this was accidental. Pepe LaPew is the only skunk in history that wandered around stinking things up wily-nilly. Real skunks only spray when they are frightened. There isn’t much scary about hundreds of childrens’ toys wrapped up and ready to be loaded on Santa’s sleigh.
Here’s my theory of how it really went down: the elves higher a skunk to guard the not-so-secret stash while they played hooky in Wales. Someone with Bad Intentions toward Christmas tried to sneak in and steal the presents while they were away. Good news? The miscreant got nothing but a face full of skunk juice. Bad news? The skunk wasn’t a good aim- no one really wants the gifts now…
That's about it for this week's news. Have a wonderful, safe Festivous season, folks!
Kudos on the Avatar, Rebecca, it looks great! :)
Oh my, snowman in the middle of a street and a bus hits it...someone was watching a bit to much Jackass if you ask me. ;)
You know what they say about the size of an Avatar's ears ...
Hey! He's a Earth spirit. Mother Nature wouldn't "short" her own child, now would she?
Earth spirit, is he? So he gets a lot of woodies?
Yep. And he likes playing with nuts and twigs, too.
Ya see what happens when I'm away the Avatars with their woodies come out to play... someone runs a snowman down for the sport of it... and a skunk skunks up Christmas... sheesh!
Cool! about your upcoming release.
It was not the skunk's fault. The elves said they were looking for someone for an armed security position, but they failed to tell him they wanted more than a rent-skunk.
No, heaven forbid, it was not the skunk's fault... I was merely amusing myself... may Skunk Spirit forgive me and use their awesome power for good... that is, against evil.
Update on the skunk story: a guy from a commercial restoration company saved the day with a skunk funk oder remover machine!
Rebecca, that's cool. I know there's a top notch air purifier, I wish I could afford, that folks have used successfully to get rid of skunk smell in a matter of hours.
I just love reading the blog posts these days. I follow through google.com but was wondering if there was a way to get notices sent to my email addy any time one of you posts on the blog. I need all the humor I can find.
Thank God you all chose to share your gifts of writing with others.
Happy Holidays
PS Please send me an email if I can get post notices to my email inbox which I check more often than my google reader.
Robin, Happy Holidays. Wow, does that make me feel cherry merry!
I wish I knew the tech end of it. Maybe Rebecca knows. But, we'll find out.
~shapeshifter grinz~
Can do, ladybirdrobi. I'll set the blog up with FeedBurner this evening so you can sign up for e-mail notifications. Thanks for letting us know you wanted it!
PS, if any other reader has a request of comment, feel free to let us know. This is your blog, too!
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