Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys
Note: Sherilyn and Zance are purchasing her gown for the New Year's Eve grand opening at the Midnight Stardust Supperclub, when a woman from Sherilyn's past shows up -- a woman who will likely rat her out to an enemy, who is ruthlessly determined to steal Sherilyn's horses, and destroy her.
First SIX paragraphs from ~
Chapter Twenty-eight:
Zance's inner wolf hackles raised...
Zance's inner wolf hackles raised painfully in warning. "Odds?" he demanded as he whipped around to see who his mate looked at.
"You gotta call." Sherilyn grabbed his hand. "Make certain everything is okay at the ranch. With my horses."
Figuring that was his best move, Zance tucked her arm beneath his. "Sure, sweetheart," he answered, propelling her toward a room where Dante kept old landline phones available.
The garage-sale phones only operated through a bank of electronic scramblers. Zance hadn't bothered bringing the cell phone he used in public inside the Pleasure Club.
They were fairly deep underground. Besides, Dante's team made certain all mobile devices were blocked.
"Awesome," Sherilyn quietly spoke, as he let go of her arm.
For more Sunday Sneak Peaks ~sneak-peek-sunday.blogspot.com~
Blurb & Excerpts for HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS are on the page above.

Wishing you shapeshifting cowboy love on the wild side...
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Great snippet!
Hi D'Ann, thanks for commenting!
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