Phil sat down next to his
wife Hazel. The group gathered in Gill’s
front room reminded him of his family growing up. Extended family helped more than people
realized. Grandad with his stories and Grandma’s
home made clothes combined with aunts and uncles lessons on life added to what
his parents did. A group rasie wasn’t so
bad. The group here was a family in the
“Hey Gill, can I tell a tale?” Phil asked looking around the group noting no
one else raised their hand when Gill asked who was next for sharing a story.
“Appears you got the spot,” Gill
replied, sitting down next to Chloe.
Phil rose, made his way to
the open space near the fireplace.
“Hi folks,” Phil began. A few murmurred replies sounded.
“Granddad always had a joke
handy. Some of ‘em got us grandkids
every time he told ‘em.” Heads nodded,
urging Phil to continue.
“His fave goes like
this: A new to country living boy asks a
farmer how many hens can a rooster service.
Oh, about 10 hens the farmer
advises. Next morning the new country
dude goes out and all 10 hens are laying out in the yard with their feet up in
the air and tounges hanging out deader than a nail. Rooster is strutting around barnyard cocky as
all get out.
Country boy walks over to the
rooster says, Think you’re hot stuff,
eh? All that sex is gonna do you
in. I’ll fix you. Country boy buys 20 hens and puts them in with rooster.
Next morning same thing as
prior. 20 hens screwed to death. Well now country boy is really miffed. This rooster’s challenge isn’t gonna beat
him. 40 hens and the rooster are put up
in the coop that night.
Next morning country boy
looks out in the yard and 40 hens are laying out screwed just like the others
before them. But….” Phil paused looking around the room.
Gazes met his. He got nods and hands motioning for him to go
on. He smiled and rubbed his lips
together. “Out amongst the hens laid the
rooster with his feet up and tongue hanging out. Country boy walks over to him shaking his
finger and smiling. See I told you you
would screw your self to death. Rooster
puts his wing to his lips goes SShh then points to the sky replying BUZZARDS!”
Titters of laughter followed
by guffs of chuckles erupted. Phil
waited until the noise died down before continuing. “Granddad’s moral was love don’t know
boundaries. Lust will get you if you ain’t
careful. He spoke from experience we
learned as we grew up. He fell in lust
with the girl next door. They eloped
only to find out later that their shape shifter species couldn’t mate. Grandma One loved soaring with the wind under
her buzzard wings on a full moon night.
Granddad bless his heart loved her as much as his second wife, Grandma
Too. A groundhog through and through. Yep, Granddad was a polygamist.”
Phil made his way back
through the quiet group, knowing several looked at him differently and others
smiled. Who else had an eye opening tale
to share?

Happy Weekend Gang!
Wow talk about unique pasts! You never know what you'll find out next with our Peakites!
How's the weather treating you? The Spice Homestead is ready for Spring and warm weather. Snow still shows as I look out the window. More green of the lawns through out the neighboorhood show. The forecast is for 60 degrees next week the back to cold and more what?! SNOW! So the joust between Winter and Spring continues...sigh.
Treat your self and your loves and spice to a few good books while we weather out this joust seeing when Winter will surrender to Spring. Or is it Spring beats the *())_*)_&*&() out of Winter?
Until Next Week,