Today we have self-described story strumpet, tome loving tart and eccentric night owl Roxanne Rhoads as our guest. When not fulfilling one of the many roles that being a wife and mother of three requires, Roxanne's world revolves around words...reading them, editing them and talking about them. In addition to writing her own stories she loves to read and review what others write.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been writing and who are your publishers?
I seriously think I was born with a pen in my hand. Writing was something I just have done for as long as I can remember.
However I came back to writing to pursue it as a career in 2005. Since then I’ve been published on numerous websites, in magazines and in several anthologies. I’ve had e-books published through Midnight Showcase, Ravenous Romance, Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, Eternal Press, the now closed Lady Aibell Press, and I have upcoming publications through Xcite and L&L Dreamspell.
What led you to writing?
The love of words. The emotions they can elicit. The escape that they can create. I love books, they were my first best friends.
What do you enjoy most? Any writing hurdles that you were surprise by?
Writing in itself is a hurdle. There are plenty of days when the muse just isn’t there but I have to push on and do it anyway.
One of the biggest hurdles I find in writing now is promotion. These days a writer is expected to promote the heck out of themselves which for me takes away from my time when I should be writing. Honestly I’d rather be writing and leave the promotion to someone else but for small and indie published authors networking and promotion is a must.
What are you reading now?I just finished Tall, Dark and Fangsome by Michelle Rowen I’m not sure what my next book will be, I have a stack.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I would love to be a photographer but I really don’t have a good relationship with cameras. Sure I can take your basic photos but other than that the camera doesn’t like me and it’s not just one camera, it’s any camera. LOL.
I can see things that would make great photos but the connection between my eyes, the camera and the executed technique to get that great shot…I don’t know… something just goes wrong somewhere.
Your new release looks like a must read. Please tell us a little bit about it.
ETERNAL DESIRE is a paranormal erotic romance set in New Orleans during Halloween.
Liz Beth, a paranormal researcher, is haunted by the seductive vampire, Quillon, who may or may not be real. She arrives in New Orleans the week of Halloween to search for the elusive vampire of her dreams and instead encounters a handsome stranger, Christien, with whom she begins a passionate affair with.
Soon she is torn between her dream lover and a flesh and blood man, both of whom are a mystery to her. The closer it gets to Halloween the wilder things become. LizBeth gets closer to the truth about Quillon while Christien has her under his own spell.
Will all be revealed at the Vampyre Ball or will the masks stay in place?
In New Orleans at Halloween anything is possible.
Do any of your characters from previous books appear in ETERNAL DESIRE?
No not in this one although I do have plans for these characters to appear in a book or two later on down the line, perhaps even take part in a full length novel.
Do you use more than one element of the paranormal in your works?
I love all aspects of the paranormal so a lot gets thrown into my work. Vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, occasionally a demon or two. I love to mix everything up so a few of my stories have vampire/witch or vampire/succubus hybrids and things like that.
Have you written a series?
I am currently working on a series but I haven’t sent it off to any publishers yet so I don’t know how it will play out or if it will make it to print.
Do you have a favorite book or author that has influenced your writing?
As a serious bibliophile there are so many books and authors that I love. Right now I love Jeaniene Frost, Kimberly Frost, Kim Harrison and Chloe Neill.
Which book did you spend the most time researching and why?
The series I am working on has a lot of history thrown into one of the books, a vampire is going to be having flashbacks throughout her lifetime to give the reader and intimate look into her world as it once was so the research for that is hard because I want small details to be right.
Is there anything else that you'd like your readers to know about you?
Just that I love books and I love to write. I would love to hear feedback from readers, even if it is to say my work sucks, at least then I know someone's reading it.
What was the craziest thing you ever did to promote a book?
Well, I’ll be signing books at a Vampire Ball, in costume. I guess that fits into the crazy scheme a little.
Think that's all there is to Roxanne Rhoads? Think again.
She's mentioned that she loves to read and review what others write. What you may not know is that Roxanne operates the book review site, Fang-tastic Books, dedicated to her favorite type of book--anything paranormal. Her favorite genres are paranormal romance and urban fantasy but she'll read just about anything featuring vampires, ghosts, witches and whatnot.
Roxanne writes everything from articles to web content as a freelance writer and poet. Her erotic and romance stories and poems have appeared in Playgirl Magazine, several print anthologies, in ebooks and on numerous Web sites including: JustusRoux.com, OystersandChocolate.com, TheEroticWoman.com, FortheGirls.com, AssociatedContent.com/roxanne, BareBackMag.com, LucreziaMagazine.com, and RuthiesClub.com
She has several ebooks available through Eternal Press: Tasty Christmas Treats, Eternal Desire, the soon to be published Insatiable and 2 of her short paranormal erotic stories appear in the anthology Sexy Paranormal Bedtime Stories. All of these can be purchased in print at Amazon.com.
Her novella, ETERNAL DESIRE is scheduled to be released October 7, 2009 through EternalPress.ca. E-books can be purchased at EternalPress.ca, Fictionwise.com and BarnesandNoble.com
Print copies can be purchased at Amazon.com
http://www.eternalpress.ca/eternaldesire.html blurb, excerpt, buy link
eBook ISBN:978-1-926704-70-8
Print ISBN:978-1-926704-78-4
ETERNAL DESIRE video trailer on You Tube:
Her story "The First Brick" appears in Lasting Lust: An Anthology of Kinky Couples in Love available at RavenousRomance.com
A double shot of her paranormal erotica- Torrid Teasers Volume 59 is available through Whiskey Creek Press Torrid.
When not reading or writing Roxanne loves to hang out with her family, craft, garden and search for unique vintage finds.
You can visit her at www.roxannesrealm.blogspot.com and www.fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com
Roxanne Rhoads
Freelance Writer, Author, Poet
Check Out My Erotica Stories
Tasty Christmas Treats now in ebook and print
Paranormal Bedtime Stories now in ebook and print
`Contains my stories Halloween Surprise and Sea of Blood
Lasting Lust: An Anthology of Kinky Couples in Love
~ Contains my story The First Brick available at RavenousRomance.com
Torrid Teasers Volume 59 Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
`Featuring Renata and The Questioning Concubine
Justus Roux's Erotic Tales 2
`Contains my poem Waiting Patiently
The Mammoth Book of Erotic Confessions Available Soon
`contains two of my erotic confessions
Whew! You lead a busy life. Congratulations on the new release and thank you for stopping by and letting us get to know you a little better!