Saturday, June 25, 2016

Mick and Trina's Story Chapter 2 Part 2

“Ask me something?” Trina wrapped her arms tighter around her. What could Mick want now?  Her mind went off in different directions.  Her heart skipped a beat as he moved closer.

“Yes,” he said, stopping a foot away. “Better to ask than assume, don’t you think?”

Mick’s smile reached inside her into a place she hadn’t planned.  A place where warmth sparkled more than she dared hope for.  Hope sprang up, bubbling forth.  Most males didn’t ask they assumed, demanded, and took.  Those who tried mimicking their alpha role models sucked at it.  Horribly sucked at any sense of decorum and what leadership was about.  Trina inhaled slowly, and let go a deep sigh.  She couldn’t let fear rule all of her judgments and decisions, could she?

“Okay,” Trina replied, unfolding her arms.  She shook her hands and laid them in her lap.

“You sure?” Mick reached for her hand closest to him.  

Trina looked down, back up at Mick.  She lifted her hand and held out to him, palm up.  “Yes, I am.”

Mick took a hold of Trina’s hand and stood.  He stepped down on to the bleacher seat below him.  He turned so he faced her and kneeled.  He waited until her gaze met his, the he spoke. “Will you run beneath the full moon with me?  Dance under the starts with me? Allow me to show you a different side of life?”

Trina pulled back, her eyes going wide.  He didn’t let go of her hand.  He held on firm.  He leaned forward, nodding.  “A life that allows joy, happiness, and understanding of who you are.”

Trina licked her lips.  He wanted to lean closer still. Close enough to press his lips to hers.  Hold her to him and calm the fears he smelled and sensed.  Would she accept the gift he offered?


Pat C. said...

Mmmm ... sexy with a cliffhanger. That's right, dole it out slow. Keep us all on the hook. :)

You and Rebecca are going to kill us, y'know.

Pat C. said...

With anticipation, I mean. I need to remember to be clearer because nobody can hear voice tones through the internet.