Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Funny...

OMGosh, I had a cat like this once...she got into everything!  Her funniest moment...being chased down the hall by the fishing rod she'd gotten stuck to her tail.  Her request for assistance was not nearly this calm, but hubs and I were rolling on the floor laughing.

Any funny pet stories out there you want to share?  Let us have it.  :)

*Mz. Muse is busy cracking out a post, thank goodness!  Come back Monday for a read.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Pat C. said...

I had a dog that played hide and seek with me. I'd make her stay in the kitchen, go hide and then call her and she'd sniff around until she found me. She caught on quick; after she found me she'd head back to the kitchen on her own for the next round. This went on until I grew too big to hide behind the living room chairs.

She wasn't so good at hunting rabbits, though. All the rabbit had to do was run in a circle and she'd loose it. It would sit there until she finally spotted it and charged, then the dance would start over again.

The rabbits raised a family in our backyard that year, even though they knew a dog lived there. That's how little fear they had of her.

Rebecca Gillan said...

I have a cat who can let himself out of the house (no idea how he does it) but thinks he needs to be let back in. If I ignore him as he stands on the roof of the car, meowing at me through the kitchen window, he will let himself back in and then proceed to follow me around swearing at me as only a Siamese can about how neglected he is...

Pat C. said...

I've heard they're loud. Maybe we need a Siamese shifter? What would he/she be? Opera diva or death metal rocker?

Rebecca Gillan said...

Oh, yeah. Puma is very vocal and obsessed with fairness. He also picks fights with the other two cats when he's bored (both female American longhairs), has been known to refuse to eat broken kibble, and thinks it's hilarious to empty my purse so he can sit in it if I forget to put it away. He would make a fantastic shape shifter.