Saturday, August 15, 2015

A New Serial: Two Dragons for Lilly Chapter 1 Part 1

“Come on, Adam.  You can’t tell me you haven’t scoped out the lady down at the ice cream shop.”  Ned sat down across from his band mate Adam Sandstron.    “She’s as delicious looking as all the confections in her shop.”

Adam slumped down in his chair wanting to fold his arms tightly against him.  Ned and his matchmaking ideas!  All he had said was the woman got his gonads in an uproar now and then.  Now Ned had them double dating.  Flames and coals!  The woman might run the opposite direction when she heard two dragons had their eye on her. Humans had a habit of taking a long distance view of fire breathers and their lavascious natures.  From her fire red hair to the bottoms of her feet, Lilly oozed a sensual come-hither pheromone that had him harder than if he hadn’t jacked off the night before.  Putting out the embers, this one ignited would take more than fantasizing about her.  Ned needed to back off.  Matchmaking worked if both parties wanted it.  Three wanting it sweetened the desired out come even more.

“Ned Brimstone, you got your eye on her too!” Adam growled. Smoke curled out his mouth.  His eyes must have glowed as Ned grinned as he heartily nodded.

“Oh, yes.  Sweet, probably creamy when she comes, and delicious.  Maybe as delicious as her confections.  Wonder if she adds a touch of her sweetness to them.”  Ned’s grew as Adam sat upright in his chair.

“That isn’t allowed and you know it.  You and your food fetishes.  Purity of product is required.”  Before he could get out another word, Ned spoke.

“She doesn’t need be a virgin.  I like my partners knowing what pleasures them so I can get about it.  Doing it right from the start.”  Ned licked his lips twice. His grin grew to a smile.

Adam gripped the edge of the table.  He knew he couldn’t start the wrestling match both of them needed.  Living in Talbot’s Peak, their accepted existence had limits.  Keeping their fire breathing under extreme control and watching where and when they shifted.  Flames above and below!  And a woman that set him afire from his gonads and cock up to his mind.  His libido and horny id didn’t like taking no for an answer.  The days of pillage were gone, no more, and not to be had again.  Not that he liked unwilling, overly submissive couplings.  Sharing women with Ned took a certain finesse that both of them knew need care and tending.  Putting their fiery natures under strict control happened when a mate bonded with them.  Their last mate passed two centuries ago.  Human mates didn’t last long.  Love didn’t always let you make the decision.  Lust did.  Lust was going full throttle.  How much more could he withstand before he bellowed and let loose a flame that would singe his heart and soul?  Granddad said withstanding the heat of lust took a power that the heart could only let loose.  Lilly hadn’t talked to either of them.  Her scent kick started a part of him that he thought had long dried up and was dead.


Happy Weekend Gang!

So our new resident Dragon Shapeshifters are on the sexy prowl scoping out the available females: human and shapeshifter alike.

Let's see what happens as this story unfolds.   I hope to post 500-1000 word sections weekly until the story is done.  Who knows how long this will go on.

Until next week's smoking hot juicy section, share those books with your spice and loves.  I know my smoking hots one are.



Pat C. said...

This is hot already! Can't wait for more!

Am I the only one who thinks her working at an ice cream shop is a plus? I'll bet dragons love ice cream. All that fire breathing has to make their throats raw.

Savanna Kougar said...

Yep, hot-to-the-sizzle-touch already! Lovin' it.

Are there now two ice cream shops in TP? Or does Lilly work in the shop owned by my half Norse goddess, half-angel heroine, Kalindi? The title of the flash scene was: The Heavenly Chocolate & Ice Creamery