Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Funny...


So, classes have come to an end and I am both relieved and barely functional (mentally that is).  The brain is mush and I'm all about living on instinct only for the next couple of days!  :D

Next week though, I'll be back with the happenings at Haven, Mistress P and Whit's new adventure.  Reetha is making a visit and her mate has an itchy palm...anything could happen.  Muahahahah.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Pat C. said...

I thought Brand was Batman ...

Break from class! Now you get to show us all that new knowledge in your posts. Or did you go to a party school? In which case, you have even better knowledge.

Serena Shay said...

LOL...after this semester I wish it was a party school. Alas, my brain is filled with Math that Mz. Muse is frantically trying to eliminate...go Mz. Muse! :D

Pat C. said...

No! We need a nerdy math-whiz wolf. In glasses.