Sunday, September 21, 2014

SNEAK PEEK SUNDAY: Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~ Chapter Thirty-two

Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys

Note: This week features the hero, Dontoya, and the Ring of Union he risked his life for to keep his mate, Sherilyn, protected.


First SIX paragraphs from ~

Chapter Thirty-two:
Dontoya emerged from the shower...

Dontoya emerged from the shower, dried himself thoroughly, then slung a towel around his hips. He glanced toward his yellow pine chest of drawers. The early morning light from his bedroom's east-facing window slanted across the top, sparkling the Ring of Union.

He'd placed it there to absorb the sun's rays, a tradition before presenting the ring to a chosen mate. The strength of Brother Sun increased the power frequencies, and also tuned the ring to this time period.

With one eye on the fiery glints that transformed the Ring of Union, Dontoya padded toward his bed. After tossing the towel onto a chair, he climbed in.

He needed a few hours of sleep to stave off his exhaustion. That, or he'd lose control over his ability to shapeshift.

Once he'd been transported to the cave's entrance, power had surged through his limbs. He'd swiftly placed everything in his specialized pack harness, then morphed to cougar.

Racing over the night-ruled terrain, Sherilyn had been foremost in this thoughts, in the rapid beat of his heart. Returning home to his star woman, and to his pardner, was all that mattered.


For more Sunday Sneak Peaks


Blurb & Excerpts for HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS are on the page above.

Wishing you shapeshifting cowboy love on the wild side...


Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~

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