Saturday, July 23, 2011

A New Hero Enters

Cason kicked off his sandals and stepped out on to the sand. The beach was empty at this hour of the day. Most of the surfers and early morning joggers had left before the heat began staking its claim.

A few feet down the beach, Cason noticed an odd shape on the sand toward the water line. The tail fins looked different from the ones he'd seen deep sea fishing. And the color hue ran darker than most surface or mid-sea dwellers he'd encountered scuba diving. Was it a new species of whale? The tail didn't fit a dolphin's nor a whale's either. He sped up his gait as he saw the clouds clear revealing more sun on the section of beach he headed towards.

As he got closer, a strange melodious sound filled his ears. Shaking his head, Cason looked around. He'd had his share of delusions from too much oxygen and the bends during diving incidents. He knew angels hovered around him as he assisted with water rescues. His job as an EMT didn't permit him much rest during the summer. This year he knew his vacation time needed to be. He wanted to find himself and regain the balance he'd had before he lost her.

"Look mate," a high-pitched voice began. Cason glanced to his left. Just above the wave rolling toward shore, his sea sprite companion, Nitchell, hovered. His squeaky British accented voice indicated something was amiss.

"Dude, calm down." Cason pointed toward the large blob he intended on investigating. "I'm not stupid enough to rush whatever it is."

Nitchell's laughter overwhelmed the music Cason kept hearing. "Sorry, mate. I've seen her kind before." He moved closer to Cason.

Cason shot him a scowl. Nitchell crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. Why did he have to get stuck with a hunk for his charge? A hunk who attracted women and men alike. Neither of them was queer. He disliked referring to them as gay. That word described his outlook on life and not from a sexual one either. Nitchell sighed as Cason waved him off and moved closer to her.

Two feet from the fishy blob, his charge had sense enough to stop. Any closer and she'd have him within her clutches. Blasted sea women.

"Nitchell!" A sharp motherly voice boomed through his conscience. All right not all were blasted. His dear sainted mother and aunts were good ladies of the sea. How his father dealt with them all living under his roof was beyond him. Not his problem. One human hunk with the ability to see and hear spirits was his and right now keeping him away from her mattered.

Cason knelt where he stopped. No, it couldn’t be. Yet, even though he blinked twice. . .even thrice, she didn’t disappear. Before him, sprawled on the sand, lay one partially shifted nude mermaid. What did he do now?


Happy Weekend All! Sorry for the late posting. My car went in the shop for a few days. Between the heat and that I've been distracted. Things are now back to balance pretty much as we weather out the heat here in the Mid-Atlantic. Keep cool and read a few good books! Remember to share with your spices and loves!




Savanna Kougar said...

Yay, a mermaid. Wonderful flash, and fabulous pic!

Yeah, I've got to do something with my car, fix it or find another one... it's tough to decide with all the current complications.

Keep cool!

Solara said...

Thanks Savanna! Yes, dealing with car issues is not always easy.

Rebecca Gillan said...

What a nice summer-y bit of flash!

Serena Shay said...

Oooh, what shall he do with the lovely mermaid??

Nice flash!

Pat C. said...

Okay, I'll admit it, I'm weird. I want to know more about Nitchell. Do I smell a threesome on the horizon?

Absolutely love that picture.