Sorry to be posting late this week gang! My muse has me buried deep into Nancy and the Werewolf. The heat is boiling and growing with complications.
Then it hit the ear ache from. . .not hell but painful enough that I woke out of a sound sleep last Thursday night. With this crazy weather, hot and cold with no in between, I wasn't sure what was up. My Domestic Partner was on antibiotics for something week prior. I've been down not as bad as he. Doctor had me on rest with limited activities for a couple of days. I'm on the mend but my muse is on me to write and write with a focus on the new series. Sorry, no flash fiction piece for you today.
I do have some news to share. I'll be signing at Romantic Times Book Lovers Convention Book Fair in April in Chicago. Those of us here at Shape Shifters' Seductions are working on a raffle basket for you to enter to win while I'm there. I'll be posting what some of the goodies are soon.
We've got some great items from our Talbot Peak's crew lined up along with some of our other books and trinkets. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.
Well back to writing and keep warm, dry, and remember share a book or two with your spices and loves!
Happy Weekend!
Solara, more healing vibes. Recommend getting some Oregano Oil, the brand: North American Herbs and Spices. You take internally for anything infectious. Also, add a drop to some olive oil and use for earache. I also have simply applied a drop or two behind my ear, and that works. It's really strong stuff.
You're going to love the RT convention from everything I've heard about it!
Thanks Savanna. I've been to RT before. Been a few years since I last went. I'm looking forward to it for sure.
By all means, sit around, make everybody else wait on you, and watch bad movies on cable. Milk the hell out of this opportunity. That's what being sick is all about.
Never been to a romance convention, but I used to go to SF cons back in the '80s and '90s. I'm assuming RT doesn't have attendees dressed as Klingons.
I've seen pics of the fairy ball costumes, and they are to die for, or live for and have fun. They have all sorts of costume events.
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